First Strike! A new adventure begins…

Warhammer40k | Warhammer | Ultramarines | Nurgle | GamerGirl

Firstly, I must assure all of you that I love fantasy more than anything, and I would never betray it for any science-fiction game, even from the same publisher. I always choose fantasy thematic game over any others. However, nobody said that you shouldn’t try to play one of them :P

Warhammer40k | Warhammer | Ultramarines | Nurgle | GamerGirl

My fiancé got a starter to the Warhammer 40 000 game from our friend as the birthday present. It is a very clever purchase that allows newbies to familiarise with a more advanced and high-tech Warhammer world. It contains models from two fractions: Ultramarines and Death Guard, a small paper mat, a small booklet with core rules, dices, datasheets, a ruler, and a scenery piece. The funny thing is that they actually use a box as a container. I really like this idea!

Warhammer40k | Warhammer | Ultramarines | Nurgle | GamerGirl

The booklet presents you four optional scenarios helping players to learn basic and most important rules considering movements, shooting, charging and close combat. Firstly, I thought “Come on, it couldn’t be so simple!”, but to my surprise – it was!

Warhammer40k | Warhammer | Ultramarines | Nurgle | GamerGirl

So, to cut long story short – I completely defeated my fiancé, who wasn’t so happy about the final outcome. I really spent a great time during all the introduction games and got to like Warhammer 40 000. It’s is quite similar to fantasy version in some aspects, but the huge amount of weapons for shooting phase is something different and new to me, which can really decide your loss or win. I am thrilled to try more advanced engagements, but for now I promised to myself that I must finished my Bretonnia forces, before I start collecting ones from the Warhammer 40 000. I wonder which army I choose... Do you have any guess?

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